Godly Sorrow vs Worldly Sorrow

Today’s message is about repentance. Repentance is an act of the will to make a significant change in our lives. Repentance is not a feeling, it is an action, it is a choice. Repentance means that we recognize that we have made wrong choices in the past, that we feel sorrow for those wrong choices, and that we have set a goal to stop making those wrong choices and start making right choices. Repentance is sometimes described as a change of mind or a change of direction. The Apostle Paul found out through a letter that many people in the Corinthian church were sinning against God and against one another in many ways. Paul wrote a firm but a loving letter to them telling them specific ways in which they were at fault and needed to change. We have that letter in our Bible and it is called First Corinthians. Then Paul sent Titus to encourage them and to see how they were doing. After Titus returned Paul wrote these words in the second letter to the Corinthians: But God, who comfort...