Kathy's Crown

Kathy's Crown Dearest Kathy robed in white, Singing with the angels bright, Taking off your well earned crown, At Jesus' feet to lay it down. Priceless jewels reflect the splendor Of a life of full surrender To the King who came to serve And give us grace we don't deserve. Diamonds yield a pure rainbow Of humble deeds performed below, Without a thought of crowns above, A life of sacrificial love. Rubies are a deep dark red, Like the blood that Jesus shed; Upon her bed of suffering She never stopped her mothering. Emeralds are a splendid green, Her joy and kindness clearly seen; And even when the leaves turn brown, She never let it get her down. Sapphires are a brilliant blue, The sky above is in their hue; To Heaven at last our spirits rise, Our home forever in the skies. Oh may some day a tale be told, Of dazzling jewels in purest gold, As in our lives we all endeavor To earn those jewels of deepest splendor. Dearest Kathy robed in white, Singing with the angels brig...