About This Blog

Too often internet-based discussions are filled with rancor, misinformation, and rarely result in people changing their minds. It is especially distressing when ideas and opinions hurt relationships in the same family or church or among close friends. Often we are guilty of repeating information which is either not true or only half true. I think we all say things online that we later regret, only to find out that our words will live forever somewhere in Cyberspace. This most often occurs in political discussions, but can often occur when discussing a variety of topics, even Theology. My goal is to present well researched, balanced, information and opinions which I desire to be discussed in a civil, respectful manner. Not everything will be controversial. Some will simply be educational and fun. When we do disagree with one another, I ask that we do so respectfully. The internet is full of places where people can express themselves freely without moderation. I do not want to limi...