Welcome to Politics, Keep it Nice

My goal in this blog is to educate and motivate voters and trust them to vote with a new perspective. I have and will continue to write letters to my representatives, Some which will be posted on this blog along with the letter I got in response. I am a registered Independent and I consider myself a right of center moderate. I will not endorse any candidate or political party, but I will offer my analysis and opinions on various issues.

This blog is not the place for bashing candidates, either in my posts or the comments. There are plenty of other places one can go to do that. I will criticize policies which I do not agree with, but I will try hard not to slander the character of anyone, no matter how much I may want to. Please hold me accountable on this. There are times when I bite my tongue so hard it bleeds.

Image source: https://www.npr.org/podcasts/381443666/it-s-just-politics


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