About the Environment Page

This category is where we will discuss various issues concerning the environment. I recognize that there is controversy over the politics and science of "Climate Change". As with anything controversial we need to discuss and debate with mutual respect and opinions based in fact. We may not agree if Climate Change is "real" or "caused by humans". But we should be able to agree on the need to protect our planet and look at the pros and cons of different ways to achieve that goal.

I do not consider myself to be an expert on environmental issues, just a concerned global citizen. I have been concerned about the environment all my life. I grew up in Africa as the son of missionaries. I have seen first hand the devastating effect of drought and the lack of clean drinking water on both animal and human populations. I have watched in dismay how the once plentiful and diverse animal populations in Kenya and Tanzania are now dwindling both in range and population. I have personally seen the snows of Kilimanjaro up close and now am deeply saddened to see pictures in which all that incredible beauty is almost gone.

I studied Physics and Computer Science in college during the Carter administration. I was very interested in energy alternatives because of the energy crisis during that time. Ever since I read about "magnetic brakes" in a Popular Science article, I was very interested in the whole concept of what is now known as Hybrid vehicles with "regenerative braking". I also wrote undergraduate level papers on nuclear, wind, solar, tide and geothermal energy. I wanted to go into alternative energy as a field but instead ended up working for IBM as a computer programmer. Even though I later followed a completely different career path as a pastor, both computer technology and green energy have been passionate hobbies of mine for almost 40 years.

I am neither a political nor environmental "activist". I believe in limited, common-sense regulation that encourages bottom-up innovation and free-market solutions to environmental issues, rather than oppressive government mandates. I believe that the needs of human beings, as well as flora and fauna, must be factored into any environmental policies. I do not deny that human beings have caused many of the environmental problems we have today, but I also believe that we humans are uniquely equipped to solve them.

I do not want to use emotional alarmism to scare people, but I do hope that factual presentations of both the problems and the solutions will educate and encourage people to know that the planet is worth saving and that there are many things ordinary people can do to help save it. Finally, as a disciple of Jesus Christ, I think that we should be thinking about "Environmental Evangelism" where we use the planting of trees, the provision of clean drinking water, environmentally sustainable farming and various kinds of environmental education as a means of reaching people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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