The Angel of the Bench

The Angel of the Bench

Oh come apart and sit awhile,
And rest your weary feet.
The journey goes from mile to mile,
It is not yet complete.
But if you listen to the brook,
And let it soothe your soul,
Lift up your eyes and take a look,
And you will be made whole.

Oh come apart and tarry,
And rest your weary back.
The burden that you carry,
Is the peace of mind you lack.
Oh see the happy birds around,
And see they are well fed.
To you, the blessings will abound,
As Jesus Christ has said.

Oh come apart and set a spell,
And rest upon the shore.
Your private pain, your living hell,
Are gone forevermore.
You are the angel of the bench,
That place of peace and rest.
The thirsty soul you come to quench,
You bring us all what’s best.

Written by Tom Dunkerton
June 8, 2015

In dedication of a bench on the Brandywine River.
Placed in Memory of Deborah J.  Maholick 
February 2, 1961 to March 3, 2015

Debbie in the middle with sisters Ann on the left and Lee on the right.


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