Cousins All Are We

Cousins All Are We

With Eve as our mother,
Cousins all are we.
Mother, father, sister, brother,
In our shared humanity.
One blood, one race, one people,
From pole to pole the same.
Let the bells ring from the steeple,
That we all bear Adam’s name.

With Adam as our father,
Sinners all are we.
So when I judge my brother,
Judgment falls right back on me.
The billions dead in battle.
Are the blood of brothers slain.
From the eating of the apple,
And good Abel killed by Cain.

With Jesus as our Savior,
Forgiven all are we.
But we don’t deserve his favor,
Even though it is for free.
We must take His love inside us.
We must claim it as our own.
Let no one then deride us.
As we bow before His throne.

With God as our Maker,
Living dust are we.
Salt and pepper in the shaker,
Of this global family.
Our loving Father knows each grain.
He’s watching from above
Are we the cause of brother’s pain?
Or are we giving love?

With the Spirit as our life force,
Powerful are we.
To do God’s will without remorse.
And live out the Gospel free.
As lumps of clay with shades of brown,
And deep red blood inside.
Let us spread the word from town to town.
“Come, sweet Jesus and abide”.

Tom Dunkerton: June 18, 2015


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